Our mission is to nurture human connection, and part of that is supporting our community. Let’s bring a bit of cheer and a smile to our neighbors! Help us fill our gift box at the Hive for the 7th year of helping the Holiday Help Drive!
One way you can support our local community is by bringing a few new items to make the holidays a brighter for struggling families in East Troy. Back for the 7th year, we’re a drop site for the Holiday Help Drive! Help us support our local community by dropping off new items to help 170 families.
What can you drop off?
🧦 Socks, underwear, PJ's
🚼 Diapers (of all sizes!) and wipes
🧻 Toilet paper, paper towel, Kleenex
🧽 Cleaning supplies, laundry detergent, dish soap
🪥 Personal hygiene items
🫧 And more!
Donate and be entered into a raffle to win a tasting for (4) with Tim the brewmaster.
TWO announcements in one?...Oh my.
We’re about to drop our drop shipping this coming Monday, 11/25. Get excited. I know we are. It’s going to be a doozy. Product ordering access right from your fingertips and delivered directly to your door. Click here to be redirected to the goods.
Bee Present. Bee Human. Bee Here
Life is Fizzy… Get Your Drink On
Tim & Ayla - Proprietors and purveyors of fine libations